Jon Stewart Offers Advice to Journalism Students During Program’s Post-Election Event

January 30, 2025
Photo: Sameer A. Khan/Fotobuddy

On Tuesday, December 3, the Humanities Council’s Program in Journalism hosted a special post-election event featuring Eliza Griswold, Ferris Professor of Journalism and director of the program, in conversation with Jon Stewart, political commentator, writer, and host of The Daily Show.

Journalism students, along with Princeton faculty and staff, packed the room for this invite-only discussion, which was held in the Chancellor Green Rotunda. Council Chair Esther Schor (English) welcomed the crowd and introduced the event.

During the hour-long conversation, Stewart discussed a range of topics including journalism as activism, his first memories of the news, the changing media landscape, and the importance of translating passion into storytelling. He encouraged students to read work from established journalists, and to follow their own moral compasses when searching for stories to cover.

After debriefing the election with Griswold, Stewart spoke directly to the current cohort of journalism minors and answered rapid-fire questions from the audience.

When asked to provide parting advice to the future reporters and writers in the room, Stewart offered three essentials for a new journalist’s toolkit: perspective, contextualization, and self-preservation.

Learn more about upcoming events on the Program in Journalism website.

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