JRN 465 / HLS 465 (SA)

Reporting on the Front Lines of History in Greece

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Athens, Greece: June 17–July 21, 2017

Application Deadline: March 27, 2017 (extended deadline)

This seminar combines classroom work with field reporting, placing students on the front lines of history in Greece, where they will learn and employ the critical thinking skills and best practices used by the world’s most accomplished international correspondents. Notebooks in hand, students will spend five weeks in Athens and in and around refugee-related sites on the mainland and Greek islands, learning what it takes to cover chaotic world events. While producing articles, videos, and photo stories worthy of publication, students will build confidence operating in the field and gain deep insight into current events, including the Syrian refugee crisis and the Greek financial collapse.

Many classes will include visits, in person or via Skype, from renowned journalists and historians. Students will participate in guided outings to sites such as the port of Piraeus, the Central Market, Omonoia and Victoria Squares, various refugee camps, and other areas. Trips to cultural sites may include the Benaki Museum, the Parthenon, and the Agora. Guest speakers—distinguished journalists and historians—will discuss histories of migration, exile, diaspora, and displacement in the region. Optional weekend excursions to such cultural sites as Delphi and Sounion will be offered.


The application for this seminar is currently available on GPS. Selected applicants will have to interview. Enrollment is by permission only. Priority is given to students who have taken Journalism or Hellenic Studies courses at Princeton or who have demonstrated journalism experience.

The Program Fee (tuition, lodging, and group travel and excursions within Greece) will be covered entirely by the Ferris Fund for Journalism in the Humanities Council and by the Paul Sarbanes ’54 Fund for Hellenism and Public Service in the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies. Additional financial support for remaining costs is available to successful applicants, who will be encouraged to apply for Ferris Summer Grants through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE).

This course is co-sponsored by the Humanities Council, which is home to the Ferris Seminars in Journalism, and by the Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, with the support of the Paul Sarbanes ’54 Fund for Hellenism and Public Service.

With questions or for more information about the course, contact Margo Bresnen, Journalism Program Manager, at mbresnen@princeton.edu.

View this course on the Registrar’s website.

Reporting on the Front Lines of History in Greece >>
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