Investigating With Your Hair on Fire: Accountability Journalism Meets the 24/7 News Cycle
James Martinez, Journalism; with Nolan McCarty, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
March 4, 2021 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · via Zoom
Program in Journalism

James Martinez, a visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism in the Program in Journalism, is breaking news investigations editor at The Associated Press, responsible for quick-hit investigations off major news. He has worked at AP for more than 30 years, including a decade as a reporter in Florida, and stints as a regional editor and more than six years as deputy national editor. Discussant Nolan McCarty is Susan Dod Brown Professor of Politics and Public Affairs and director of the Center for Data-Driven Social Science.
The Humanities Council’s Program in Journalism invites faculty, graduate students, and staff to participate in the next in our series of events where distinguished visiting journalists discuss their work and pressing issues of the day with faculty from a variety of disciplines. These lunchtime talks offer intimate looks inside the work of colleagues and an opportunity for dialogue across specialties.
This event will take place online via Zoom. Attendees must register in advance and note their Princeton affiliation.
Please note: this event may be live-streamed to the University’s Twitter.
Email Margo Bresnen, Journalism Program Manager, at mbresnen@princeton.edu with any questions or difficulties.