“Fake News” and Real Threats: Accountability Journalism in the Era of Trump
Mike McIntire, Journalism; with Alan Patten, Politics
March 7, 2019 · 12:00 pm—1:20 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House and Zoom
Program in Journalism

Visiting Ferris Professor Mike McIntire is an author, editor, and an investigative reporter for The New York Times. In 2017, he shared a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on covert Russian interference in the U.S. Discussant Alan Patten is the Howard Harrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professor of Politics, and chair of the Department of Politics.
The Humanities Council’s Program in Journalism invites faculty, graduate students, and staff to participate in a new series of events where distinguished visiting journalists and writers discuss their work and pressing issues of the day with faculty from a variety of disciplines.
These lunchtime talks—informal discussions of recent articles and forthcoming books —offer intimate looks inside the work of colleagues and an opportunity for dialogue across specialties.
Attendance by reservation only. Space is limited; RSVP to Margo Bresnen at mbresnen@princeton.edu, noting your University affiliation.