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No Ordinary Assignment: What it means to be a war correspondent

Jane Ferguson, Visiting Lecturer in the Humanities Council; Ferris Professor of Journalism

September 19, 2023 · 12:00 pm1:15 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House

Program in Journalism and the Humanities Council

Jane Ferguson’s career has spanned conflicts from Iraq and Afghanistan to the Arab Spring and the invasion of Ukraine. Along the way, she has also reckoned with massive changes in the media industry and the massive changes in media. Drawing from her acclaimed, national bestselling memoir, No Ordinary Assignment, Ferguson will talk about what life is really like for war reporters on the road, being a woman in TV, and navigating the moral wounds of witnessing tragedy by way of documenting history.

Jane Ferguson, best-selling author and correspondent for the New Yorker and PBS NewsHour, with discussant Kim Lane Scheppele, Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the University Center for Human Values.

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