Telling Stories of Economic Inequality
Pallavi Gogoi, Journalism; Margot Canaday, History
March 2, 2023 · 12:00 pm—1:15 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House
Program in Journalism

Whether we are conscious of it or not, finance and money underpin most of our biggest life decisions. Our personal economics determine where we are born, where we live, where we study, where we work, where we spend and our ability to participate in our communities. Acting managing editor of National Public Radio Pallavi Gogoi will share stories from a career spent putting a human face on business and economics news.
Gogoi, a visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism in the Program in Journalism, oversees NPR’s daily news report after years spent as the network’s chief business editor. An award-winning editor, reporter and writer, she has covered business and economics in print, broadcast, magazine, newspaper and radio journalism. Discussant Margot Canaday is a Professor of History and the Associate Chair of the Department of History.
The Humanities Council’s Program in Journalism invites faculty, graduate students and staff to participate in the next in our series of events where distinguished visiting journalists discuss their work and pressing issues of the day with faculty from a variety of disciplines. These lunchtime talks offer intimate looks inside the work of colleagues and an opportunity for dialogue across specialties.
Attendance by reservation only. Space is limited; RSVP to Margo Bresnen at mbresnen@princeton.edu, noting your University affiliation.
Email Margo Bresnen, Journalism Program Manager, at mbresnen@princeton.edu with any questions or difficulties.