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The Empathy Test: Seeing Humanity in Killers, Terrorists and Other Difficult Interview Subjects

Program in Journalism

November 8, 2022 · 12:00 pm1:15 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House

Photo of Tara McKelvey

Tara McKelvey, a visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism in the Program in Journalism, is a Washington correspondent for BBC News, reporting on politics for digital, radio and TV. The author of “Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War,” she is also a regular contributor to The New York Times Book Review. Discussant Laurence Ralph is a Professor of Anthropology and the director of the Center on Transnational Policing.

The Humanities Council’s Program in Journalism invites faculty, graduate students and staff to participate in the next in our series of events where distinguished visiting journalists discuss their work and pressing issues of the day with faculty from a variety of disciplines. These lunchtime talks offer intimate looks inside the work of colleagues and an opportunity for dialogue across specialties.

Attendance by reservation only. Space is limited; RSVP to Margo Bresnen at mbresnen@princeton.edu, noting your University affiliation.

Email Margo Bresnen, Journalism Program Manager, at mbresnen@princeton.edu with any questions or difficulties.

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