The Future of Hong Kong: Is free speech dead?
Keith Richburg Visiting Lecturer in the Humanities Council; Ferris Professor of Journalism
October 3, 2023 · 12:00 pm—1:00 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House

The widespread 2019 protests in Hong Kong, and the imposition of a sweeping new National Security Law the following year, irrevocably changed the fabric of this once open and free-wheeling society. Dozens of civil society groups, labor unions and political parties disbanded, news outlets were shuttered and dozens of activists were arrested or fled into exile overseas. But while Hong Kong has plummeted in global press freedom rankings, journalists continue to do their jobs every day, and the territory remains a regional hub for many foreign media organizations. How much space still exists for independent media in the new Hong Kong? And how are journalists learning to navigate this new normal?
Keith Richburg, Washington Post columnist. With discussant Stephen F. Teiser, Suzuki Professor in Buddhist Studies and Professor of Religion.
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