
Ferris Summer Grants for Student Internships in Journalism

Ferris Summer Grants for Student Internships in Journalism are funded by the endowment of Edwin F. Ferris, Class of 1899, to support summer internships in writing, publishing and journalism, in both print and digital media. The goal is to help students acquire experience in news organizations and in companies that publish books, magazines or journals.

In Summer 2025, this funding will be awarded only for internships that will be conducted in accordance with the University’s Permitted Travel Policy. Review this policy carefully to determine any requirements you need to fulfill before or during University-related travel.

The Program in Journalism will consider funding requests for up to $3,000 for expenses associated with a summer internship.

Internships must take place in a recognized organization for at least six weeks (typically eight weeks).


All Princeton first-year students, sophomores and juniors may apply. Requests from the journalism program’s certificate students will be prioritized.

How to Apply

Submit an application through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE).

In the documents section of the application, upload the offer letter from the organization providing the internship. The offer letter should include details of the internship and the amount of financial support, if any, the organization will provide.


The deadline to apply is May 31, 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis by a committee of faculty and journalists from the Humanities Council that will review applications and select recipients.

Post-Project Requirement

Grant recipients are required to submit a two-page report after their internship. The grants are paid in two installments: 90% upon notification of funding, and the 10% balance in September, after submission of the report about the internship.

2024 Recipients

In 2024, Ferris Summer Grants for Student Internships in Journalism were awarded to seven Princeton undergraduates:

  • Lia Opperman, Class of 2025, C-SPAN
  • Charlie Roth, Class of 2025, CNBC Investigative Unit
  • Annie Rupertus, Class of 2025, Sothern California Radio
  • Kayra Sener, Class of 2025, Times Media Group
  • Julie Stern, Class of 2025, Cyprus Mail
  • Eden Teshome, Class of 2025, The Hill
  • Isabel Yip, Class of 2025, NBC Editorial Diversity Verticals

In 2024, four undergraduates received John McPhee ’53 Award for Summer Projects in Independent Journalism:

  • Pia Bhatia, Class of 2025, “Boys will be Boys: Consent Education in India’s Urban Slums”
  • Thomas Earl, Class of 2025, “Final Stop or Safe Passage: Migration in Morocco”
  • Liam Foldi, Class of 2026, “A story of persecution, perseverance and hope; from Chin State, Myanmar to Melbourne, Australia”
  • Anna Salvatore, Class of 2025, “Racism At Bat: The Story of the Wichita Monrovians and the KKK”

John McPhee ’53 Awards for Summer Projects in Independent Journalism

John McPhee ’53 Awards for Summer Projects in Independent Journalism are meant to recognize promising student journalists and to help underwrite the cost of long-form, nonfiction writing projects of at least six weeks in duration.

In Summer 2024, this funding will be awarded only for independent projects that will be conducted in accordance with the University’s Permitted Travel Policy. Review this policy carefully to determine any requirements you need to fulfill before or during University-related travel.

The Program in Journalism will consider funding requests for up to $3,000 for expenses associated with a proposed independent project.

Independent projects must take place in consultation with an advisor and for at least six weeks (typically eight weeks).


All Princeton first-year students, sophomores and juniors who have completed at least one journalism course at Princeton may apply. Requests from the journalism program’s minor students will be prioritized.

How to Apply

Submit an application through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE).

In the documents section of the application, upload the following:

  • An official transcript confirming that the applicant has completed at least one journalism course at Princeton;
  • A résumé or CV;
  • Two journalism writing samples (published or class work);
  • A proposed budget outlining specifically how the applicant would expect to spend the award funds (include living expenses, if appropriate);
  • The name of one (or more) reference;
  • The name of at least one member of the Princeton faculty who will advise the applicant on the project from inception to completion;
  • A letter of commitment from the applicant’s faculty advisor, confirming that the advisor will regularly video conference with the applicant during the reporting and writing of the project;
  • A proposal letter of no more than 1,000 words. Subjects that would be appropriate to touch on in the letter include:
    —The general topic matter the proposed article would cover, and why the subject would be of interest to readers and of importance to society;
    —The maximum story that reasonably could result from the applicant’s efforts and, if unforeseen challenges arise, the minimum story the applicant is confident would result;
    —Human sources the applicant would seek to interview, and why;
    —Primary documents and data the applicant would seek to gather and review, and why; and,
    —Where the resulting article might be published and the size of the publication’s readership.

The deadline to apply is May 31, 2025. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis by a committee of faculty and journalists from the Humanities Council that will review applications and select recipients.

Post-Project Requirement

Award recipients are required to submit a two-page report on their project and a copy of the resulting article(s). The awards are paid in two installments: 90% upon notification of funding, and the 10% balance in September, after submission of the report and article(s).

2023 Recipient

In 2023, a John McPhee ’53 Award for Summer Projects in Independent Journalism was awarded to:

  • Paige Cromley, Class of 2024, “Strife on the high seas: marine conservation group splits over tactics”

Ferris Prizes for Outstanding Undergraduate Projects in Journalism

Ferris Prizes for Outstanding Undergraduate Projects in Journalism are awards of $250 that recognize excellent projects submitted by students in journalism seminars during the academic year, on any topic and in any medium of journalism, including audio and video presentations.

Journalism professors are invited to nominate the best papers or other work produced in their courses. The selection committee consists of faculty members and journalists. The prizes will be awarded during the summer to projects nominated in the previous fall and spring semesters.

Criteria for Judgment
  • Originality
  • Depth of insight
  • Skill of presentation
  • Contribution to a reader’s understanding of the topic
  • Short pieces receive equal consideration with longer ones

Visiting Lecturer in the Humanities/Ferris Professor of Journalism/McGraw Professor of Writing

The Program in Journalism at Princeton University, and its academic home, the Council of the Humanities, welcomes proposals from journalists to teach seminars in journalism and creative nonfiction as Visiting Ferris Professors of Journalism and Visiting McGraw Professors of Writing.

Full-time and part-time positions are available for one-semester terms: Fall 2026 or Spring 2027.

The Journalism program and the Humanities Council share a local and global vision that spans disciplines and borders. We view a strong, ethical, and representational press as essential to participatory democracy, and we champion innovation, public engagement, collaboration, diversity, inclusion, and access.

Journalists from a range of backgrounds and media are encouraged to apply. Full-time visitors take a formal leave from daily journalism to devote themselves to teaching. They must be on campus four days a week, attend all faculty gatherings, and participate in University life. They give talks, participate in panels, advise students, and join in events. Part-time visitors must spend two full days on campus each week for the 12-week term, as well as during the week of Reading Period. Part-time professors are expected to attend faculty gatherings whenever possible.

Seminars meet once a week for three hours, with enrollment limited to 15. Students devote about six hours a week to class preparation. Every week or two, students submit assignments, which the professor critiques during mandatory one-on-one writing conferences. Professors often invite guest speakers and arrange a class visit to a newspaper or magazine.

Part-time appointments offer a salary of $37,500. Full-time appointments offer a salary of $75,000.

For fullest consideration please apply by October 1, 2025 at https://www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/35263. The selection committee aims to complete its work by February 2026.

Applicants should submit a résumé or CV that includes recent publications, a proposal for a seminar, and a cover letter that describes their interest in teaching. Innovative and cross-disciplinary proposals are encouraged. Many seminars fall under one of these broad course rubrics: Race, Politics, and the Media Writing about Ideas (Philosophy, Law, Religion) Seminar proposals should include: Investigative Journalism The Art of Reviewing (Books, Films, Popular Culture, Theater, Music, or Dance) History in Journalism; Journalism in History Data Journalism Journalism, Public Health, and Medicine Writing about the Environment, Covering Politics, International News, Audio Journalism, and Visual Journalism.

Please include the following with your application: – One or two paragraphs about the focus of the course – A short description for the course catalog (75 words)

– Specific topics for each of the 12 weeks of the course

– A sample reading list of no more than six titles (books, articles, websites, etc.)

– Possible writing assignments (typically 5-8 short pieces, one of which might be developed into a longer project to be submitted during Reading Period)

Essential Qualifications:

– A record of distinction in journalism or other kinds of nonfiction writing.

– The ability to communicate effectively to students, peers, and members of the community.

– A practicing journalist- a reporter, editor, producer, photographer, critic, biographer, or documentarian.

– At least five years of experience working at a news organization or writing regularly for major publications, including in the year immediately prior to submitting an application.

– Must not have a tenure-track or administrative position at an academic institution.

– Must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience.

Questions may be addressed to Jeannine Matt Pitarresi, Journalism Program Manager, at jp16@princeton.edu or 609-258-9083. Additional information is available at journalism.princeton.edu and humanities.princeton.edu.


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